How to Make the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic

Typical herbal tinctures are an alcoholic extract of plant or animal material. VINEGAR is among the best solvents you can find in any home. Being acidic is a better...

How To Prepare Medicinal Pickled Garlic

Medicinal Pickled Garlic I learned how my grandmother, who was always ready to treat us with her self-made remedies, would prepare medicinal pickled garlic. Garlic helps to treat sore throats,...

15 Weird Foods That Were Common During The Great Depression

The Great Depression was a time of scarcity-induced innovation: families had to do without many household staples and used their resourcefulness to come up with alternatives made from goods...

10 Food Lessons from the Great Depression

A time wracked with suicide and fear the great depression was a holly terror on the nation. Many people exclaim that the crash of 2008 cost them everything. The truth...

How to Make the Cannish (canned Amish Poor Man’s Hamburger)

I don’t need to remind just how darn important it is to know what to cook when the power goes out. There are so many recipes on the grand...

How to Make Your Own Turmeric Drops

Over the last few years Turmeric has taken over the spotlight as a spice or super-powered supplement. While many believe it's the newest thing to hit the shelves, for...

Sour Tea Helps You Avoid High Blood Pressure

Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Unfortunately, many of them are unaware they have it or of the damage that...

6 Pioneer Recipes Every Prepper Should Learn

Take a look at what our pioneer ancestors ate and the chances are you’re not going to envy them very much. Compared to the food on offer in any...

How to Make Kentucky-Style Fried Rabbit

In my opinion, every prepper needs to know how to cook. More than that, he or she must become acquainted with the intricacies of preparing the game. Since it’s...

How To Make Delicious Lard With 2 Years Shelf-Life (+ 5 Tasty Recipes)

Earlier this week, someone asked me what the best survival food is, and to my own surprise, I realized I didn’t have an answer. Acorns are great if you’re...