Homemade Pork & Beans Survival Recipe

I think we can all agree than pork & beans is the alpha and omega of outdoor cooking. Why? Because it’s easy to make, it’s ludicrously cheap, and you...

5 Alternative Weapons for SHTF

Almost all preppers love their guns. It has been my experience, though, that most non-prepper family members do not love guns quite so well perhaps, as some of their...

7 Survival Skills You Should Know

Disasters and emergency situations are a part of our lives. You may not plan on getting lost in the wilderness while heading out on adventure plans, but it can happen...

Building The Three Bucket Bio-Water-Filter

Abundant clean water is commonly known as one of the top priorities for survival, with most survival instructors stating that for drinking and cooking, you need at least a...

Archery as a Prepper Skill?

When I was 4 or 5 years old my dad gave me a plastic bow and arrow set. It was one of those cheap, $5 toy bows with the...

20 Edible Plants That Could Save Your Life

Sometimes, you have to think outside of the freeze-dried food paradigm. You may find yourself in the woods forced to run from your home or camp because of marauders with nothing...

8 Ways to Use a Plastic bottle in an SHTF Situation

Life in plastic is, without a doubt, fantastic, especially when you find yourself in a shit hits the fan situation. Can’t say that I’m a big fan of plastic....

Medical Preparedness with Alternative Methods

In modern times we have become accustomed to medication and healing being only a phone call away. It wasn’t that long ago that we were much more vulnerable to...

16 Wild Edibles You Didn’t Know You Could Forage For

You never know how long the shortage of food will last. If you don't live in the city, chances are you're not going to starve in a famine. There's always...

5 Important Preps that Make You Side Money

The quest for preparedness often rubs up against the realities of our monthly budgets. When you come to realize that the earth and its people are threatened by so...