16 Items FEMA Tells You to Stockpile and Why

Those of us who are part of the prepping and survival community tend to look down our noses at the government’s emergency response agency, FEMA. Granted, there’s plenty of...

Bury An Egg In Your Garden Soil, What Happens Few Days Later Will Surprise...

It might sound a bit like Jack and the Beanstalk, but some gardeners are talking about planting eggs in their garden, particularly for their tomato plants. The hope is...

10 Most Likely Ways You Can Die During an Economic Crisis

Who really has their pulse on the conditions of the market and the economy? Every day we get “flash signs” of things to come. Jobless claims go up, consumer...

59 Long-Term Survival Foods and Supplies from the Grocery Store

There is a whole industry that has grown up around the prepping and survival community. This industry is working overtime to provide everything from pre-packaged meals to the latest...

Vegetable Garden Planning for Beginners

Hopefully, you are already in full swing on your own garden, but if you have been putting it off, or are still conducting research on how to start your...



How Much Food Is Enough? Understanding How Long your Food Stores will Last

When starting their food storage people commonly ask: How much food do I need? There are a few considerations to make when deciding on quantity. Each food storage type...

Plants You Should Grow Around Your House To Repel Insects And Bugs (Including Termites)

No one likes to be bugged; at least, no one that I know likes to be. And we live in a world where we are surrounded by bugs; billions...

24 Highest Calorie Vegetables for Your Survival Garden

Whoever came up with the idea of gardening, way back in the caveman days, surely did a favor to those of us who live a life of disasters preparedness....

19 Early Pioneers Tools That Are Still Working Today

Setting out for the frontier in the 19th century was nothing like moving to a new city today. You weren’t moving to a place with a fully developed infrastructure, where...