Bury An Egg In Your Garden Soil, What Happens Few Days Later Will Surprise...

It might sound a bit like Jack and the Beanstalk, but some gardeners are talking about planting eggs in their garden, particularly for their tomato plants. The hope is...

13 Myths and Facts About Canned Foods

When we think about preparing for survival, one of the first things that come to mind is storing away food and for most people what comes to mind first...

Gardening For The Future – Hay and Straw Bale Gardening

This is the simplest and easiest method of gardening "no work," by far. You plant straw directly into bales, and as the season progresses, the straw is broken down...

Worst 13 Places To Go When SHTF

When it comes to being prepared for a SHTF event, preppers are focused on threats from natural disasters to nuclear wars, EMPs, and devastating cosmic events. The situations that...

21 Wild Edibles You Can Find in Urban Areas

You don't have to leave the town to get foraging started. Life finds a way, often through gaps in the pavement and vacant lots. When you learn to recognize...

10 Bugs You Should Never Kill In Your Garden

Just thinking about bugs will cause people to start squirming. But not every bug is the enemy, especially when it comes to gardens. There are a few, including some...

When You Can’t Carry Food

Let’s face it, food can be heavy and bulky, even if it’s MREs or dehydrated. Other things may take precedence, like equipment and medicine for someone with special needs,...

One Month Meal Plan For Just $65

Whether you have several years’ worth of food set aside or you keep a more modest reserve, most of us probably have some kind of emergency food supply or...

10 Ways to Use Socks in a SHTF Situation

Great for keeping you warm in the summer and for every imaginable situation that involves dry feet – you know them, you love them, and you simply cannot do...

Mini-Farming on 1 Acre

A lot of people love the idea of being self-sufficient in produce, but just don’t see it as an achievable goal. After all, how many of us really have...