Homemade Pork & Beans Survival Recipe

I think we can all agree than pork & beans is the alpha and omega of outdoor cooking. Why? Because it’s easy to make, it’s ludicrously cheap, and you...

16 Ways to Use Crisco That You Never Thought Of

Crisco is not just for making the perfect piece crust anymore – at least not if you are a prepper. There are copious amounts of survival uses for this...

One Month Meal Plan For Just $65

Whether you have several years’ worth of food set aside or you keep a more modest reserve, most of us probably have some kind of emergency food supply or...

Mini-Farming on 1 Acre

A lot of people love the idea of being self-sufficient in produce, but just don’t see it as an achievable goal. After all, how many of us really have...

Top 10 Foods to Grow for Survival

If the collapse happens and you are in survival mode, your long-term food requirements must be taken into consideration. Finally, whatever food you have packed away will run out...

Why You Should Build and Use a Root Cellar?

The American pioneers had to be very clever about food. The United States government was offering up 160 acres to the brave souls that migrated out west. That is...

5 Easy Steps to Decontaminate Yourself at Home

The number of people infected with the Coronavirus keeps climbing all the time, with more and more cases showing up here at home, now that testing is becoming more...

10 Vegetables to stockpile for a whole year

Eating your vegetables can help you to grow stronger – and taller! My mama used to say. That is if they were properly stored. Whether you are looking for a long-term...

Toilet Paper Pills – The Best Invention You Didn’t Know You Need

When hiking, camping, or just getting through daily life, there are always times when you need to clean up yourself, your kids, or your space. Most of us keep...

Herb Farming at Home: a New Business?

When it comes to gardening or farming, our general perception leads us to a view of a farm with growing crops or a garden with flowers blooming all around....