You Pass by This Plant Everyday Without Knowing How to Use It When SHTF

When doctors do not exist and all pharmacies are closed, how do you cope with pain? Luckily, Mother Nature has sent us a wonderful salicin-shaped analgesic. Salicin is a compound...

Post Apocalypse Gardening: Living From a Small Piece of Land in Tough Conditions

What do you do, in a world where you can’t go to the supermarket and pick up a can of Campbell’s Chunky Soup? Where you can’t call up Domino’s...

How to Make Penicillin at Home

One of the threats most of us face would be an almost complete lack of treatment after the collapse. All of us are going to sicken and die over...

This 3500-Year-Old Powerful & Natural Cure Found in The Bible Treats So Many Diseases

Throughout centuries, the olive leaf was used for nutrition and medicine. The Bible shares many instances of the olive tree. The olive leaf was used even before Christ. Ezekiel 47:12...

Sour Tea Helps You Avoid High Blood Pressure

Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Unfortunately, many of them are unaware they have it or of the damage that...

How To Make Apple Butter With 2 Years Shelf-Life

I often wonder how many preppers are going to orchards and berry fields to store in bulk fresh produce, to bring it home in season and to preserve it...

How to Make All-Natural Homemade Turmeric Pain Pills

When you watch the news on every given day, it doesn't take long to know that there is a worldwide epidemic of drug abuse. The usage is on the...

7 Ways to Lighten Your Bug Out Bag

How To Make 30 Hours Survival Candles with Soy Wax

8 Ways to Use Your Rancid Oil for Survival

Cooking oil is one of the main elements of food supply to every prepper. It's a perfect source of energy and essential fatty acids, it adds flavor, and it...