How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation


If you’ve been around horses or know someone who has, you’ve probably heard of sugardine. It is a commonly used common antiseptic on horses. But, now even more and more people use it for themselves.

Sugardine is a natural antiseptic that makes use of the antibacterial properties of iodine and pure sugar, which helps prevent and treat infections. And, besides being a fantastic natural treatment, producing it is also very simple and inexpensive. Two ingredients, that’s all it takes. This, along with its practicality, makes preppers a popular choice.

Tradition has shown that sugardine works well for illnesses such as thrush on horses, laminitis, abscesses, and numerous other wounds. When used on both horse and human; it has been efficient in drawing out the infection; as well as improving drainage. And it has also been associated with promoting healthy tissue growth.

The Ingredients and Their Significance

The ingredients are simple and inexpensive:

  • Table Sugar
  • 10% Povidone Iodine

Usage of sugar in a highly concentrated form, impedes bacterial growth, as it sucks out the harmful moisture from the wound. Humidity spreads bacteria. So, the bacteria will die off when it isn’t there.

And the rationale for using iodine goes beyond a simple additive to produce a paste-like texture that is better than straight sugar to bind to the wound. This also provides a defensive line.

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

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How to Make It

The best way to start the process is to have the amount of sugar that is similar to the amount of finished product that you want in the end. Adding the iodine won’t add any volume or mass. So, if you want 1 cup of sugardine, start with 1 cup of sugar. So apply the iodine slowly, until you achieve a consistency comparable to the texture of a dense peanut butter. First, if you start with the iodine, you are more likely to end up using much more sugar than you expect.

Just a word of caution, when making this you may want to wear gloves, as it might stain your hands.

To make the sugardine, follow these simple steps:

1. Add sugar first

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

2. Slowly add iodine (about half the amount of sugar)

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

3. Mix well (this is too thin)

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

4. Add more sugar to thicken

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

5. Good consistency, similar to thick peanut butter.

How To Make Antiseptic Sugardine To Treat Wounds And Inflammation

Once you have the desired amount and correct consistency place it in an airtight container with a lid.


Stir the mixture before using if it has sat a while. But, it will not go bad.

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How to Use It

Place the mixture on the wound and put a bandage over it. When there is plenty of drainage and you see leakage, periodically remove the sugardine. The goal is to dry out the wound, therefore it is necessary to remove wet bandages.

In fact, leaving a saturated bandage on the wound, the sugardine may do the opposite of its intent, promoting the growth of bacteria.

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