How to Lower Your Bad Cholesterol Levels with Hawthorn

For our bodies to work properly, cholesterol is required. Brain, nervous system, cell walls and the development of hormones, vitamins, and bile acids that help digest fat in your...

How to Use Herbs and Make Your Own Cold Medicines at Home

Most of us know the signs when it comes to coping with colds and flu, and try to get through it. We have a lot of natural treatments for...

7 Golden Homesteading Rules While You’re Sick

Homesteading’s the fine art of getting your land legs while learning how to do most of the stuff on your own. It’s great to have your own slice of...

Identifying Your Backyard Pharmacy

When I move to the country and work for self-sufficiency, I find myself paying even more attention to what comes out of the field. I walk around taking photos...

26 Ancient Remedies That We Should Revive from History

Modern medical marvels are uncovering new ways to treat illness every day, but at the same time, the practical, common and inexpensive ways our ancestors used to stay healthy...

Scientists Find Smelling Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Over the years, Rosemary has brought us a lot of things, from its enticing vibrant flowers to the aromatic scents and flavors that improve so many recipes. Studies now...

This Common Driveway Weed is One of Nature’s Most Powerful Survival Plants

Plantain, not to be mistaken with the banana type fruit, also known as Plantain, is a plant that can be found almost anywhere. When you're not really living in...

Having Debilitating Migraines? Read This!

Knees are weak; palms are sweaty… Just one of those passing migraines that have the habit of ruining a perfectly good day. As one who had to deal with...

16 Remedies for Radiation Exposure

Some nuclear events are survivable. It depends on the type of case and the closeness to ground zero. Incident possibilities range from dirty bombs that can spread radiation over a...

12 Old Fashioned Arthritis Remedies Your Ancestors Used

When it comes to searching for good, readily available remedies for treating arthritis, or indeed any disease, we look back in time and take lessons from our ancestors, obviously. However,...