How I Make My Own Cough Mixture

Coughs come in many forms and types. There's dry cough, the 'phlegmy cough', the asthma-caused cough, and the summer hay fever cough. And then the worst type, the cough...

How To Get Free EpiPens

Whether you've suffered from allergies, or if you know a loved one who has, you already know something about EpiPens. EpiPens recently came under a lot of debate as...

The Black Walnut Hull Remedy That Cleans Your Intestines Of Parasites

Before I continue with the details on how to tincture your own black walnut, a word of caution is in order. If you have a nut allergy, do not...

Identifying Your Backyard Pharmacy

When I move to the country and work for self-sufficiency, I find myself paying even more attention to what comes out of the field. I walk around taking photos...

How To Make Your Own Herbal Tincture

A tincture is a perfect way to remove and store the strong medication that is tucked away in plants for later use. Tinctures should stay at room temperature for...

The Map That Shows You The Edible Trees In Your Neighborhood

If a SHTF event struck tomorrow, how long will food last for your family? The fact is most of us don't feel comfortable that our stores will be able...

The Only Plant That Should Be in Your First Aid Kit

Mullein, formerly known as verbascum thapsus is also referred to as the velvet plant or the ore of an elephant due to the hairy leaves that are, rather than...

14 Immediate Natural Remedies for Lymph Nodes

The lymphatic system operates in much the same way as the circulatory system in the body. Working to fight infection and isolating bacteria from the rest of the body....

How To Identify Poison Ivy Growing In Your Backyard

Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a very common U.S. herb, and is very persistent. Poison ivy is growing widespread, and can take over an environment quickly. An itchy rash on...

Ultraviolet Blood Irradition – The Cure That Time Forgot

While this pandemic continues to evolve and spread, there is an array of questions about how to handle it. The latest outbreak has merely woken up people to the...