DIY SHTF Healing Salve

When I grew up my mother and father seemed to have a salve for everything (which we pronounced 'sav'). When I and my siblings fell over, they applied a...

Feeding During SHTF – Bread Options

A crisis of some scale is a hard time either learning to live without, or making a great deal of work for ourselves. We can still have stuff with...

How To Turn Bacon Grease Into Emergency Candles

In a mood for a sing-along? I got just the tune for you – the blackout golden oldie. Yes, it’s a catchy song, and goes along with great with...

How To Make Delicious Lard With 2 Years Shelf-Life (+ 5 Tasty Recipes)

Earlier this week, someone asked me what the best survival food is, and to my own surprise, I realized I didn’t have an answer. Acorns are great if you’re...

Feeding During SHTF – Soups & Substitutions

Sometimes we may feel pigeonholed or daunted by the storage foods we can afford, or overwhelmed by how we’re going to use those storage foods without the endless repetition...

52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat

We all know our market vegetables and fruits are trusted edible species, but what about wild plants? Here are a few common (North American) goodies that are safe to...

Off-Grid Cuisine – How to Make Aged Beef

I will never understand how restaurants can get away with charging a hundred bucks for a piece of old beef steak. Sure, it’s delicious, melts in your mouth, but,...

Bean and Rice Survival Soup – Easy and Adaptable Recipe

I wanted to share this bean and rice survival soup recipe, because it’s an inexpensive and easy one to prep, store, and make when you’re ready to use it....

How to Make a 7-Hour Roast Beef on a Camping Stove

Do you wanna know the secret behind a great camping trip? Well, apart from flying solo or going with you SO, there’s also that sprinkle of magic called food....

DIY Home Remedy For Bronchitis

When the temperatures begin to drop and colder months arrive, you could wonder when the first bronchitis bout will strike. If not bronchitis, you could also be stopped in...