7 Ways to Use Rice in a Survival-Type Situation

‘Twas about time someone said something nice about rice; yes, that very same thing that pairs off wonderfully with seafood and pork and chicken can very well save your...

How To Tan Hides With Egg

The Lady of the House worked extensively on the hides of our first two rabbit litters, and did a fantastic job. Much of the time, I was a secondary...

How to Hunt Deer with a Bow Effectively

Deer hunting can be done in two ways; either by using rifles or using bows. If you are one of the many hunters who prefer the latter option, this...

DIY SHTF Healing Salve

When I grew up my mother and father seemed to have a salve for everything (which we pronounced 'sav'). When I and my siblings fell over, they applied a...

How to Preserve Tomatoes and Apples With a Homemade Solar Food Dryer


How to Make Your Own Soap

Power’s out; car won’t start, pantry’s empty – anything can happen. You either need to learn how to make do without or to take the high road which, in...

How to Plant a Perennial Food Garden – Fruits & Veggies That Will Keep...

Perennial plants either live through the winter and produce the next year again, or they may die every winter and grow back from the roots, or sometimes from seeds,...

40 Remedies Our Grandparents Taught Us That Actually Work

These days, it has become all too common for people to reach for a pill bottle or call the doctor anytime something goes wrong, or even for the smallest...

Just Like Doxycycline: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard

Overuse of antibiotics has been a cause of much concern in recent years and the dangers that overuse can bring, even to a normally safe person. While prescription antibiotics...

How To Repackage Foods in Mylar Bags With Oxygen Absorbers For Long Term Survival

Shelf-life varies, depending on storage and food conditions. Typically you can see an indicated range for shelf-life. Rice is classified as 15-30 years, for example, and some sources estimate...