5 Myths About Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is a method of growing plants or vegetables that you could describe as “Earth-friendly.” To be entirely Earth-friendly, however, isn’t really possible. You are interfering with nature by...

Should You Worry About Raising Chickens And Salmonella?

Live poultry often are carriers of Salmonella – a germ that can be harmful to humans. But how big is the risk? In chickens, Salmonella is a naturally occurring germ that...

Powering Your Survival Homestead

A perennial problem faced by suburban and rural dwellers is obtaining water in the absence of utility provided electric power. Standby generators require fuel of some type, which will eventually run...

Planning Your Homestead Orchard: Benefits of Dwarf Trees

Dwarf Trees – When Less is More We spend a lot of time looking at annual crops and gardens, but perennials have their places. When it comes to fruit trees, we...

Beekeeping for Beginners

In recent years, beekeeping has grown as a hobby to help families grow healthier plants while also helping the families be more self-reliant. You might be thinking that beekeeping is...

THIS Really Happens if You Eat a Bucket of Survival Food

Food: it seems to be the one constant in prepping. We start out buying food and many of us are still buying food, long after we think we’ve got...

One Month Meal Plan For Just $65

Whether you have several years’ worth of food set aside or you keep a more modest reserve, most of us probably have some kind of emergency food supply or...

Guerrilla Gardening for Survival

The phrase “guerrilla gardening” was first used in 1973 in New York City, when Liz Christie and her Green Guerrilla group transformed an empty private lot into a vegetable...

Storage-Friendly Survival Gardening

When we sit down with the goal to be prepared and self-sufficient, we have to balance a lot. We already walk tightropes between work and home life in many...

Homesteading After 60 What You Need To Know

My grandparents had a farm in Georgia, where they raised nearly everything they needed. I remember my grandmother telling me that they bought coffee, flour, and sugar. They raised most...