52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat

We all know our market vegetables and fruits are trusted edible species, but what about wild plants? Here are a few common (North American) goodies that are safe to...

US Cases Reported – Deadly Coronavirus Sparks Pandemic Fears

A patient in California's Orange County was on Saturday (Jan 25) confirmed as the third person on US soil infected with the new deadly virus that originated in China,...

One Month Meal Plan For Just $65

Whether you have several years’ worth of food set aside or you keep a more modest reserve, most of us probably have some kind of emergency food supply or...

11 Survival Tricks I Learned from Homeless People

When we hear of survival stories, we commonly hear of people who were trapped in the wilderness in exotic locations and managed to find a way out. Very rarely do...

9 Scary FEMA Camp Facts You Must Know

Over the last decade or more, FEMA has become one more federal agency that everyone loves to hate. I wouldn’t say that it’s hated anywhere near as much like...

16 Items FEMA Tells You to Stockpile and Why

Those of us who are part of the prepping and survival community tend to look down our noses at the government’s emergency response agency, FEMA. Granted, there’s plenty of...

13 Myths and Facts About Canned Foods

When we think about preparing for survival, one of the first things that come to mind is storing away food and for most people what comes to mind first...

10 Most Likely Ways You Can Die During an Economic Crisis

Who really has their pulse on the conditions of the market and the economy? Every day we get “flash signs” of things to come. Jobless claims go up, consumer...