SHTF Survival Options – Indoor Gardening

As a prepper, you may have stockpiled all sorts of food items, and you probably know how to grow your own food crops. You may be so skilled at gardening...

DIY Wilderness Soap And Shampoo From This Plant

It’s easy to focus on the major needs when talking about survival. Food, water, fire, and a few other things get a lot of airtime when it comes to...

Makeshift Grill Ideas: Cooking When the Grid Goes Down

I was inspired to write this post while watching my favorite TV show, the Walking Dead. My husband and I only watch one TV show and this one, while...

Convert Your Mower Into A Survival Generator

Summer is in the air and with it comes yard work. For some we have already started planting our gardens, others are tending to their chickens and most have to start...

Build A Rocket Stove, Step-By-Step

One common concern for prepping is how you will be able to heat up and cook any food if you don’t have the nice stainless steel range to cook...

How To Build an Earthen Oven – DIY Easy Tutorial With Pictures

Earthen ovens have been in use for thousands of years and are made of a clay-sand mixture that is hardened by the wood fire used to heat it. The...

Things You Need to Know for Starting an Aquaponics Garden

Increasingly, people are looking for ways to have more control over the source of their food. They are also looking for ways to make their food supply more sustainable....

How to Make Your Own Soap

Power’s out; car won’t start, pantry’s empty – anything can happen. You either need to learn how to make do without or to take the high road which, in...

How to Make a 7-Hour Roast Beef on a Camping Stove

Do you wanna know the secret behind a great camping trip? Well, apart from flying solo or going with you SO, there’s also that sprinkle of magic called food....

5 Skills And 5 Tools For Every Prepper

Who knows what could happen tomorrow? This is the philosophy that most preppers live by. No matter the situation, when danger suddenly appears, a prepper’s heightened organization and awareness...