How to Charge Your Phone Without a Charger

A smartphone may seem like a luxury to some of you, but the painful truth is that nowadays it’s challenging to manage without one. From playing the part of...

Safe Drinking Water Strategies for Preppers

DRINKING WATER – BACKGROUND: How to sterilize water? Simple: You don’t need to ‘sterilize’ water. Sterilization is the destruction of all microorganisms in, on and around an object. What is...

Homemade Beef Jerky

Beef jerky… the stories I could tell you about this stuff… I’m just going to say that I would marry beef jerky if that were possible (thinking about moving...

DIY Broths from Kitchen Scraps

I’m one of those people who really loves soups and stews. A good soup simmering on the stove makes a house feel like home, it offers comfort during stressful...

Blackout Recipes

One thing you learn as a prepper is that any new skill you acquire will come handy one day, cooking including. Sure, not all of us have the talent...


How to Hunt Deer with a Bow Effectively

Deer hunting can be done in two ways; either by using rifles or using bows. If you are one of the many hunters who prefer the latter option, this...

7 Wacky SHTF Uses of Dental Floss

You’ve probably heard this one before – brush and floss before hitting the sack. I can wholeheartedly say that dental floss is the best thing to happen for yapper...

How To Repackage Foods in Mylar Bags With Oxygen Absorbers For Long Term Survival

Shelf-life varies, depending on storage and food conditions. Typically you can see an indicated range for shelf-life. Rice is classified as 15-30 years, for example, and some sources estimate...

Building an Emergency Shelter from a Kit

The majority of Preppers are well equipped in survival skills, including finding food, keeping warm and making temporary shelters, but how many of you are prepared for a total life-long power...