The 3 Essential Self-Defense Moves, You Must be Aware of

Self-defense is your right and it will be beneficial in an SHTF scenario if you know how to tackle the consequences on your own with a sharp presence of...

The Tree That Every Prepper Should Grow In His Backyard

Moringa is, and with good reason, named the "Miracle Tree" It’s one of the top superfoods out there on par with avocado, salmon, quinoa, or turmeric just to name a...

How to Stop Migraines with Salt

It is unusual that we see salt as a cure for something, once a harbinger of disaster for those with elevated blood pressure or those at risk for heart...

Edibility Test: Find Out Which Backyard Weeds are Edible

You probably already know, as a prepper, that certain weeds are edible. But, if you don't know how to say the difference between the edible ones and those that...

How To Make Apple Butter With 2 Years Shelf-Life

I often wonder how many preppers are going to orchards and berry fields to store in bulk fresh produce, to bring it home in season and to preserve it...

How To Make Your Own Herbal Tincture

A tincture is a perfect way to remove and store the strong medication that is tucked away in plants for later use. Tinctures should stay at room temperature for...

How to Avoid FEMA Camps

The mere mention of the words FEMA camps is bound to draw polar responses from our readers. Almost any topic that can be linked into a large list of...

How To Build an Earthen Oven – DIY Easy Tutorial With Pictures

Earthen ovens have been in use for thousands of years and are made of a clay-sand mixture that is hardened by the wood fire used to heat it. The...

How Cherokees Used Trees of Southern Appalachia for Food, Medicine, and Craft

Foraging wild food requires practice, knowledge and experience on your landscape. Note that I used the word your land. Perhaps what you read in books and watched on YouTube...

DIY Wilderness Soap And Shampoo From This Plant

It’s easy to focus on the major needs when talking about survival. Food, water, fire, and a few other things get a lot of airtime when it comes to...