How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain


I hadn’t stayed much indoors when I was a kid. I used to play in my neighborhood with other kids all day. Of course, this meant injuries had become an occurrence almost every day.

I didn’t mind, though. I was just a little girl doing stuff every other kid did back then. Whenever I went home, my mother looked at me, and sighed; “Emma, not again …”

So, she would prepare some cabbage leaves and wrap them around my wounds, using bandages to hold them in place. The swelling would go down after a time the bruises would be decreased significantly and the wounds would be healed almost entirely. And this happened much faster than normal.

We were not a rich family, so for any small issue we could not afford to go to the doctor. But, my parents have been very educated about the natural remedies my grandfather has passed on.

For centuries, cabbage leaves were used by people around the world to effectively alleviate swelling, pain, and strains. This is rich in both vitamins and phytonutrients, anthocyanins and glutamine, all of which have anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, modern research indicates that cabbage contains 2.6% to 5.7% sugars, 1.1% to 2.3% protein, fixed oil, and mineral salts, including sulphur and phosphorus. The plant also contains vitamin C and S-Methylmethionine, also known as vitamin U, an antiulcer.

This makes it an incredibly effective and easy device to combat joint pain, arthritis, and most injuries.

What You’ll Need

  • A cabbage (obviously)
  • Bandages
  • Cellophane
  • A cup, hammer or rolling pin (basically anything that gets the job done)
  • A cutting board

    How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

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How to Make Cabbage Bandages

1. Place cabbage leaves (green or red) on a cutting board and cut out the hard stem.

2. Hammer the leaves with any kitchen utensil to gently bruise the leaves in order to release some cabbage juices.

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

3. Layer the cabbage leaves around the knee or ankle joint until it is completely encased with the leaves.

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

4. Hold the leaves in place by wrapping them with bandages.

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

5. Wrap all of this up with cellophane in order to hold the warmth and cabbage juice around the skin.

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

6. Leave the cabbage leaves wrapped around the joint for at least one hour. If no skin sensitivity is noted, the leaves can be left on overnight.

7. Unwrap the cabbage leaves when cool and discard.

How to Make Cabbage Bandages to Treat Inflammation and Joint Pain

Here are some things cabbage bandages can help you out with:


Use cabbage leaf bandages for about one hour.


Apply four cabbage leaf bandages on the chest or shoulders for at least four hours.


Pound the leaves of the cabbage with any kitchen utensils you have on hand (even a small cup), and add them directly to the region concerned. Wrap it in a bandage and cellophane to ensure it stays close to absorb the essential nutrients from the skin. Keep it on for a few hours, then repeat it before you see a significant difference.

With all those advantages, how do you not love cabbage? God has always blessed us and we can gain so much simply by studying his creation.

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