The Road Back to Our Ancestors

This is not just another article on survival. This is about the things our great-grandfathers built or did around the house, in order to survive. Looks like they succeeded. People...

8 Ways to Use a Plastic bottle in an SHTF Situation

Life in plastic is, without a doubt, fantastic, especially when you find yourself in a shit hits the fan situation. Can’t say that I’m a big fan of plastic....

12 Best Survival Apps You Should Download on Your Smartphone

10 Hemp Uses For Preppers

Since we don’t usually deal with this kind of themes for our articles, we had to call out our guest contributors. So is the case with today’s article, courtesy...

Ingredients Matter: Store Foods Your Family Will Actually Want to Eat

One common misconception about emergency preparedness is that food storage quality doesn’t matter as long as you have some food stored that will last for a long time without...

Homemade 72 Hour Emergency Food Supply Kits

It is now easier to get food in the USA, or any other advanced economy, than it has ever been. Most of us can buy food pretty much around...

16 Ways to Use Crisco That You Never Thought Of

Crisco is not just for making the perfect piece crust anymore – at least not if you are a prepper. There are copious amounts of survival uses for this...

Bug Out Bag Water Filtration Options

A critical prep that you have to plan for including in your bug out bag is water. When I first got into prepping, I had people saying that they...

SHTF Survival Options – Indoor Gardening

As a prepper, you may have stockpiled all sorts of food items, and you probably know how to grow your own food crops. You may be so skilled at gardening...

Skills Might Not Always be Better than Stuff

In the Prepping community, there are some topics that draw familiar responses from people of all walks of life. Naturally I am guilty of throwing out my own clichéd...