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Outrageous, But Effective, Medicines People Used In The Past

Back before we had a really good grip on what's going on in the human body, some remedies by today's standards were a little off the wall at best...

Hiding in Plain Sight – Innovative Ways to Discreetly Wear Survival Gear

Hiding in plain sight is a term everyone has heard at one point or another. What does it mean from a prepper’s perspective? How much can you really carry...

6 Inexpensive Skills Every Prepper Needs

Take a second and think if there is anyone you know who has loads of supplies packed in their home. Now ask yourself if that person has the knowledge...

The SHTF Diet: Minimum Food And Water Supply For 3 Months

Most of the prepper sites – including ours – have plenty of posts on creating a stockpile for emergency food. The explanation is simple, of course; food is one...

How to Treat Migraines with an Herbal Tincture

It's often difficult for those who suffer from migraines to make others realize that it's far more than just a headache. I've had both and sadly the treatments aren't...

8 Basic Survival Skills That You Ought To Know


Concealed Carry for the Petite Woman

Numerous factors must be just right in order for concealed carry to work well, and concealment can change daily depending on our clothes and activities. Gun size, on-body carry position, holster...

Why You Should Put Peppers In Your Socks

Keeping your feet warm is important for healthy foot in the long run. Cayenne pepper is one inexpensive and easy way to keep them dry. I'm sure you saw cayenne...

How to Preserve Tomatoes and Apples With a Homemade Solar Food Dryer


How To Plant Your Orchard To Have Fruits All Year Round

There are few things more rewarding than watching your orchard full of fruit trees and berries grow. Keeping an orchard is a long term investment. Most fruit trees won’t even...