Black Seed – The Remedy For Everything But Death


Used throughout history for their incredible healing powers, black seed has historically been found in the tomb of King Tut. This spice has been researched extensively and has been proved successful against many modern diseases, but few people have even heard of it. We’re here to spread the word about this powerful cure and encourage everyone in your medicine cabinet to store black seed.

What is Black Seed?

Black seed is the seed of the plant Nigella Sativa but is known by other names including black cumin, black sesame, black caraway, onion seed, and roman coriander. Black seed is the most descriptive name, but the most appropriate may be the Arabic name that translates to “seed of blessing.” It is claimed that black seed is named by the Islamic prophet Mohammed “a cure for all diseases except death.”

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What Does Black Seed Treat?

It would be impossible to discuss all the conditions and diseases that black seed treats in this article. The advantages of black seeds were studied as far back as 1964 in over 656 peer-reviewed reports. The work is solid, recording the advantages of black seed and seed oil. Here are only some well-documented advantages of black seed:

Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance

A 2010 study showed that two grams of black seed a day decreased fasting blood glucose readings by an average of 45 mg/dl after four weeks and 62 mg/dl at eight weeks. After 12 weeks, HbA1C readings decreased by 1.5%. Participants had decreased resistance to insulin, reduced HbA1C, and improved activity of the beta cells. Participants did not experience adverse reactions to the liver or kidneys.

Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Infection with Helicobacter Pylori includes a wide variety of diseases, including peptic ulcer, chronic gastritis, and cancer of the gastric. Black seeds were evaluated against triple eradication therapy using clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and omeprazole was found to be as successful as the triple antibiotic therapy in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia and black seeds.


Nigella-SativaA randomized, double-blind study conducted in 2006 showed that in patients with mild hypertension, 100-200 mg of Nigella Seed Extract taken twice a day for eight weeks significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. There was also a decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol among participants. Black seed has been shown to have positive effects on cardiac health as well. During the 2-month analysis there were no complications reported.

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Bacterial Infections Including MRSA

MRSA is a big health issue faced in hospitals and clinics around the world. This resists a number of anti-staphylococcus agents. Laboratory testing of extracts from black seeds inhibited MRSA growth. MRSA and other resistant bacteria require further research. But it is understood that black seed has antibiotic properties.


Both animal and human tests have reported that boiled black seed water extracts open asthmatic airways, allowing for easier breathing. Pulmonary function tests in patients taking the extracts showed rapid improvement in asthma. Thymoquinone, an active compound found in black seed is a powerful anti-asthmatic.

Protects and Heals the Skin

Black seed oil has been shown to be beneficial and healing to the skin. Cleopatra, famous for her beauty, is rumored that black seeds have been used to improve the health and beauty of her skin. Black seed oil has valuable vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish and heal the skin.

Black seed oil controls the immune cells of the body and contains anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF). In some autoimmune skin disorders, TNF is a concern. Black seed oil has proven to be beneficial for the treatment of psoriasis when applied directly to the skin, eczema, fungal infections and acne.

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Black Seed Oil for Skin Cancer

black-seed-oil-cumin-nigellaBlack seed has been shown to have a wide range of anti-cancer effects and specific activity against squamous cell carcinomas have been shown in vitro. Black seed extracts hindered cell growth, and increased squamous cell carcinoma cell death. Further studies are needed, however, black seed oil shows promise in squamous skin cancers as a potential therapy.


Black seeds have carminative properties, in other words, they help to alleviate gas, bloating, stomach pain, and digestive problems.

Candida and Fungal Infections

If you have candida and fungus problems in the digestive system or on the skin, the solution can be black seed oil. In combating candida infections, it has been shown to be effective.

black-seed-1Black Seed Supports the Immune System

Nigella Sativa contains beneficial antioxidants, acids, and immune-supporting vitamins. Black seeds appear to balance the immune system, some functions are up-regulating and others are down-regulating for better immune health. The overactive immune reactions that cause autoimmune reactions tend to have a calming effect.

Many Other Uses

Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) has been documented as having more than 600 beneficial health effects. It is a powerfully healthy supplement that is part of every cabinet of medicine. Unlike many supplements, there have been numerous studies on Nigella Sativa which prove its effectiveness.

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Medicinal Properties of Black Seed

Black seed has been used throughout history for many illnesses. If you’re concerned about a particular health condition, it’s easy to test black seeds or black seed oil over a period of 3 months or more to determine if it can work. Also search a medical library for original research on Nigella Sativa and your condition.

Black seed is known to have these medicinal properties:

  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-virus
  • black-cumin-herbAnti-inflammatory
  • Anti-ulcer
  • Anti-Hypertensive
  • Antioxidant
  • Antispasmodic
  • Bronchodilator
  • Beneficial for reducing blood sugar and regulating insulin response
  • Protects the liver and kidneys
  • Interferon Inducer
  • Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)

 How to Use Black Seed

The easiest way to sprinkle the seeds on salads or in a smoothie is to use black seed. Crushing the seeds just before use probably has some benefit. If you make a smoothie, your blender will do the job.

Another easy way to use black seed is to add black seed oil to your juice or smoothie. You can also take a teaspoon of the oil straight several times a day. It has a slightly spicy taste that most people don’t find objectionable. Make sure your supply is fresh if you choose to use the oil. Black seed oil, like other oils, can get rancid.

Black seed oil for culinary use is considered safe and has shown no side effects in testing. However, certain individuals can always have a reaction to a new food or oil, so start slowly to make sure it’s tolerated. Like other herbs, spices, and essential oils, black seed is very potent; and a little goes a long way.

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