6 Kitchen Ingredients That Work Like Medicines


According to the great philosopher Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The more and more people turn to healthy living and eating whole and organic food, the more they turn to food as medicine as well. In fact, as most doctors would suggest, “prevention is better than cure.” Your kitchen has plenty of food that works like a medicine. There are those that can offer instant relief and those that can give you immunity by continuous intake. So, here is a list of common cooking ingredients and their potential uses as medicinal items.

1. Honey

honeyAbout as long as 4,000 years ago, honey was used in medicinal practices. In fact, it was used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for treating body imbalances and indigestion. Nowadays, modern medicine is once again demonstrating the diverse medicinal applications of honey. Honey can be a perfect replacement for sugar if you’ve heard of food as a medication because it doesn’t have the negative health effects that table sugar har has. The benefit of honey is that it can be used as a cough cure but note that eating honey is not recommended for children under the age of one. Here is a short description of the potent medicinal properties of the honey:

  • Can fight infection from a bacterium that causes severe diarrhea.
  • It lines the stomach and esophagus thereby reducing acid reflux.
  • Honey can be used topically to treat wounds.

2. Garlic


Garlic holds strong medicinal properties. Indeed, in a study conducted in the American Family Physician, daily garlic intake reduces the sensitivity of an adult to colds. But, garlic has no effect on the cold’s duration once it’s set in. So, it is useful only as a preventive measure.

Garlic is famous for its anti-microbial properties. In a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, it has been found that garlic is multiple times more potent than two common anti-intestinal drugs. Garlic contains Trisulfide diallyl, a compound known to protect the heart against injury. Here’s more on the medicinal benefits of garlic:

  • Eating raw garlic at least two times per week lowers a person’s risk of developing lung cancer by 44%.
  • Identified as containing a promising compound that controls the malignant growth of human brain tumor cells.
  • Helps combat osteoarthritis in women.

Related: How to Use Herbs and Make Your Own Cold Medicines at Home

3. Lemon

6 Kitchen Ingredients That Work Like MedicinesWell, you already know that the lemons are rich in the potent antioxidant Vitamin C. Antioxidants are substances capable of enhancing the immunity, they regulate mood disorders, improve memory, provide heart protection, and avoid eye problems. Lemons are also used as a natural antiseptic. It can be applied to the skin to relieve bee stings and sunburn pains. It even possesses anti-aging properties such as assisting with blackhead removal, increases skin elasticity, and also prevents eczema and acne. Lemon’s other well established therapeutic advantages include:

  • It can dissolve callous and corns.
  • Drinking lemon juice helps control dizziness, blood pressure, and heart problems.
  • It has antibacterial properties and helps fight throat infections.

4. Cinnamon

cinnamonIf you’re a baker, then you’ve probably got cinnamon in your cupboard. It’s a great spice for your cookies, bread, and pies. It’s also a perfect compliment to your morning coffee. Cinnamon contains potent antioxidant polyphenols, and we already know the various health benefits of these substances. Another important medicinal benefit of cinnamon is its anti-inflammatory ability. Chronic inflammation in the body has been shown to have deleterious effects and just by regularly ingesting cinnamon you lower your risk for inflammation-related illnesses. Additionally, cinnamon has the potential to increase the triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels — lowering the risk of heart disease. More medicinal benefits of cinnamon are listed here:

  • It has an anti-diabetic effect by improving sensitivity to insulin and thereby lowering blood sugar levels.
  • As part of its antioxidant property, cinnamon adds protection to your brain against neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
  • It has immune-boosting properties that protect you from diseases.

5. Turmeric

turmeric curcumaCurcumin is regarded as the active ingredient found in turmeric — which is believed by medical researchers to give the turmeric its various health benefits. It has an effect against cancer and against tumors. In a research on myeloid leukemia, they have been stated to have concluded that turmeric curcumin has anti-tumor effects that may lead to its cell-death-inducing activities, where cancerous or tumor cells have been observed to vanish. Another important medicinal advantage of turmeric is its potential to reduce brain disease risk and enhance brain function. In a study conducted, it showed that curcumin would increase the Brain-Derived Neutrophic Factor (BDNF) levels, which is a growth hormone linked to many common brain disorders. Low levels of BDNF have been related to Alzheimer’s disease and depression. BDNF is also proposed as helping to boost memory. Here are more medicinal benefits of Turmeric:

  • Curcumin contains both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are therapeutic enough to combat various pathological conditions.
  • A study has concluded that turmeric curcumin supplement suggests a biologic effect in the chemoprevention of cancer.
  • Provides Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis.

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6. Ginger

gingerGinger is one of the most important components of both Chinese and traditional Asian medicine. It is used for treating various illnesses. Ginger root is used for treating motion sickness symptoms. Ginger tea consumption can help alleviate a person who has symptoms such as vomiting, sweating, and nausea. Ginger is also known for its pain relief. This can also be used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatism. Creating and putting a poultice made from ginger directly on the affected part will relieve pain. People suffering from gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn and bloating can benefit from ginger, as gastrointestinal tract is known to strengthen. More medical effects of gingering below:

  • Studies have shown that ginger has the capacity to slow down the growth of various cancer cells.
  • It has the capacity to reduce soreness and muscle pain.
  • Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties which have a positive effect on osteoarthritis.
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